Saturday, after lunch for a little shade… I think you can really see Jody in these photos, especially third image down.

Love having Maclean Park on our street and so does Charlotte. Protected by two cul-de-sacs and a no through road, this park is one of the most relaxing places in the city. It’s amazing what happens to an area that keeps cars out of the picture. More bike lanes and cul-de-sacs please! Here are some photos from this morning. She was ready for a nap but managed to get in a little swing time before noon.
I rode my bike home from work today along the sea wall in the middle of an April shower. By the time I hung my bike up in the garage and walked through the front door, the sun had come back out. The light was so beautiful I couldn’t resist taking Charlotte for a stroll down to the community gardens for a bit of ‘lovely’. You’ll notice that Charlotte dosen’t need the ‘Cocoon‘ for the stroller anymore. We got down to the gardens and just sat—the air was filled with the fragrance of Spring. Life is indeed beautiful.