Buccaneer Reel

As promised, here is Charlotte’s video from our recent trip up the coast. Turn your speakers up and hit the fullscreen button. The music is a track by Brooklyn’s ‘The National’. Check their excellent new album in iTunes. We may take Charlotte to their upcoming concert in Stanley Park with Charlotte’s friends, Dan & Tan. A big thank-you goes to Mike B and Adalina.


First Words

Here’s Charlotte practicing her vocal skills. For those die hard fans who make it to the end of the video you’ll catch her first word too. She’s been saying it for a while now but usually pretty randomly and when she gets whiny!

Un Petit Gourmand

Set to the sounds of Charlie Byrd, here we have Charlotte’s first ever solid food sessions. At first with homemade mashed sweet potato then with fresh avocado. Shot in May, Charlotte is now un petit gourmand, loving mashed bananas with oatmeal and avocados with brown rice. Bon appetit!