All broken posts and missing images have been fixed. We will make an effort to keep posting here as Charlotte continues in high school.

All broken posts and missing images have been fixed. We will make an effort to keep posting here as Charlotte continues in high school.
Had a lovely spontaneous Family day today and decided to drop the car in Stanley Park and walk Lost Lagoon to the West End for lunch. Kathy joined us for part of the journey but opted to hop on transit to investigate some lunch options further afield. We kept on walking up to Granville and jumped into the Four Seasons for a quick cocktail before descending back into Lost Lagoon.
Had a brilliant week in Oahu before Christmas. Ocean swims in the morning, Mai Tais at lunch, pool in the afternoon, architecture and food sprinkled throughout. We stayed at the classic Royal Hawaiian Hotel which opened on Waikiki Beach in 1927, what a beaut! We also spent a couple of nights at the restored Laylow Hotel.